WEST OCEAN CITY- The recently formed West Ocean City Horseshoe Pitchers Association based at the Alamo Motel on Route 50 held its first informal tournament last weekend with several teams competing for cash and prizes.
The West Ocean City Horse Shoe Pitchers Association and the nine new pits at the Alamo have been officially sanctioned by the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA), a federation of 60 charters in the U.S. and Canada, each with numerous club affiliates and individual members. The Alamo Motel recently completed construction on nine state-of-the-art horseshoe pits at the facility and hopes to expand its recently sanctioned association with new teams and members, some of whom might qualify for regional and national competitions further down the road.
Last Saturday, the WOCHPA held its first Horseshoe Mania tournament at the Alamo and by all accounts, it was a big success and a good first start. A total of 16 teams competed in the tournament with names drawn from a hat to determine the pairings. For the record, first place and a $116 cash prize went to the team of A.J. and Rodney Beckett. Second-place and $58 went to the team of Willy Williams and K. Price, while the team made up of Bernie Bowen and Pete Baugh took third and were awarded $40 in prize money.
A second tournament is planned for tomorrow, August 1, at the Alamo. Anyone wishing to join the new association or compete in the tournament is urged to call the Alamo at (410) 213-0185.