OCEAN CITY – Residents of 10th Street disagreed over parking issues this week, resulting in the decision by the City Council not to meter additional parking spaces along the street as requested.
Resident Charlie Barrett came before the Mayor and Council Monday, requesting meters be added to additional parking spaces on the street to encourage parking turnover.
Currently, part of 10th Street contains metered spaces, but Barrett approached the council in hopes of adding 13 more meters on the street.
‘The Americana, in accordance with the grand-fathering of non-conformity it received from the city, now has approximately 58 parking spaces for 94 rooms and three storefronts,” explained Barrett, who said that with the loss of one of the Americana Hotel parking lots this year, parking availability would most likely be scarce in the summer months.
“Common sense dictates that patrons of the Americana will use up all spaces on 10th Street and Baltimore Ave. and still not fill up the needs of said patrons. This will cause an unnecessary hardship on the neighbors if the spaces remain free with no limit on how many hours they can be used at no cost,” said Barrett.
Council member Margaret Pillas questioned how metered parking spaces would secure residents parking spots.
“It doesn’t secure anything, but it does give us a fighting chance for a parking space,” said Barrett.
“I think he makes a very good point about working on this parking problem,” said Councilman Jay Hancock.
Mike and Danelle Amos spoke to the issue, noting that metered parking would only make it more difficult on them and their guests.
“I’m not going to stop answering my phones or cleaning my rooms just to go out and pay the meter,” said Danelle Amos, pointing out the unnecessary annoyance.
“The purpose of the parking meter is to get parking to turn over, so everyone has fair access,” said Hancock.
Councilman Jim Hall encouraged the residents to try and reach a compromise.
“If the people at 10th Street didn’t know about this meeting I think it’s a shame,” said Hall. “I’d really like you guys to work this out.”
“This is the first year, I would suggest that we see what happens,” said Council member Nancy Howard.
The council voted 5-2 to look at the issue next year, but for now, no meters would be added to the street.
“Really there’s nobody right or wrong in this issue,” said Mayor Rick Meehan. “I think (Barrett) is really trying to bring up the problem that non-conformity causes.”