Paper Seeking Revenge
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!” Or maybe it should be, as a reporter scorned.
After a County Commissioners meeting, where a certain Dispatch reporter tried to bully her way into reopening the meeting after it was adjourned, it has been apparent that revenge is the action that the newspaper chose to pursue.
After reading the reporter’s childish retort in the next Dispatch, I thought that would be the end of it. Apparently The Dispatch wants to keep the pot stirred by putting their favorite commissioner in the spotlight. It’s no secret that The Dispatch gets all tingly and goose bumpy any time their favorite commissioner comes out of a closed meeting and runs straight to the cameras and reporters.
The real shame about this whole situation is the harm that it does to an already shaky working relationship he has with the other commissioners. Who ultimately loses are the people of his district and the general population of the county.
While it’s understandable that The Dispatch needs controversy to help move newspapers from the bottom of the birdcage to the breakfast tables, our commissioner should know better. It’s time to quit courting newspapers and to start building bridges with the other commissioners so that the people of the county can be properly represented.
Ted Elder
Mr. Elder,
It’s obvious you have an axe to grind here, and we need to remind readers you lost your bid to become the District 4 County Commissioner in last fall’s election. We have a couple other points to make.
First, if you know anything about how government operates in Snow Hill, the county is run behind closed doors. The commissioners make decisions in private and then hold silly public votes, many of which are unanimous. Even when they do not make their transparent unanimous decisions, the vote is often known before meetings because the issue is discussed and hashed out privately. It’s obvious and it’s been the status quo in Snow Hill for years. This is not the manner in which government should operate, but it’s this county’s way. We do not need an elected official to confirm that for us by disclosing executive session discussions.
Secondly, we have no favorite County Commissioner. As a matter of fact, at this time, we hold no commissioner in a favorable light. That’s how it will be until the county alters the way it operates and pops the bubble of secrecy and arrogance that currently envelops it. You describe our recent reporting on the county as “revenge”. We call it informing the people.
Questions To Ask
When you meet a candidate for Congress, ask him how important he thinks it is to protect constitutional liberties in general; and specifically, how important he thinks it is to get rid of National Security Letters, warrantless eavesdropping, and rendition.
National Security Letters (NSL’s) are sent to people demanding private information and forbidding them from telling anyone they have received such a letter – a gag rule. NSL use was radically expanded by the original Patriot Act. The Justice Department’s inspector general admits the FBI’s increased NSL use and also documents serious abuse of them.
As Congress renewed the Patriot Act, civil libertarians tried to get expanded NSL use amended out, but congressmen, afraid of being labeled “soft on terrorism”, caved in to Bush.
Warrantless eavesdropping on Americans was also expanded by timid congressmen in the Protect America Act. Will they summon the backbone to let this act lapse when it sunsets?
Rendition is kidnapping people and transporting them to countries that torture. Congressmen need to expose and oppose those who aid and abet rendition such as Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc., a subsidiary of Boening which flies the victim to the torture country.
All of this is in addition to the need for Congressmen to restore habeas corpus and other due process rights eliminated by the Military Commissions Act. No more Guantanamo’s.
Congressmen, on taking office, swear to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution. Ask candidates for Congress if they are really ready to do their sworn duty.
J.A. Hoage
Severna Park
New Park Unlikely
This letter is to all the people who are eagerly awaiting the new park/ recreation area on 3rd Street. Don’t hold your breath, it probably will never happen.
The boating public of Ocean City is still waiting for the new boat ramp, which we were promised about three years ago. This town is too busy collecting taxes from us non-resident property owners who have no say on how our money is spent. I guess I’ll be spending more time in line at the undersized facility in Little Salisbury again this summer.
Dear town council prove me wrong and put some of your time and effort into this issue instead of side stepping. You got the dog park, now your talking about this new park on 3rd Street. What, did you forget about us boaters?
Robert Lemon
Collegeville, Pa.
Anti-Slots Thoughts
Why do I object to slots being in Worcester County? Because when I talked to my relatives in Atlantic City, N.J., their land taxes went so high that some of the elderly lost their homes.
Being a Christian, I know that we have too much gambling in Worcester County already. We should vote against slots coming to Worcester County.
Even if it guarantees you a job, what will it do when the working people spend their money taking a chance on winning more money instead of taking care of their family and themselves. Crime rate would go up and the moral values of the area would change and it would bring people here that aren’t concerned with the family environment.
Anna M. Smith
Shore Contributions A Sign Of Thanks
As thoughts of Thanksgiving dinner fade, all of us associated with the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore encourage the residents of our many communities to think about doing their own thanksgiving — by making a long-term financial investment in the Lower Shore.
We are approaching the 25th anniversary of the Community Foundation and its service to Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. During that time, we have awarded grants and scholarships of over $28.9 million from our more than 425 funds. The Community Foundation has helped area residents get into the giving spirit by providing the tools and resources to make meaningful and lasting gifts — and we continue to do so in a way that is easy, flexible and personable.
A strong community foundation is one of the best investments we can make to ensure a better quality of life for all of us. No other organization does what we do: connect donors of today with the community needs of tomorrow. The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore is our legacy for the future.
As proud members of this community, we have a deep understanding of the challenges and needs here, and we are working hard to meet those needs. In 2007, through the help of our many donors, we disbursed over 200 grants to charitable organizations working to enrich the lives of area residents, meet critical needs and enhance cultural opportunities.
However, as 2008 approaches, there is still more to do. While many of us can count our bountiful blessings this holiday season, we have neighbors who are not as fortunate. The demand for human services continues to increase, and we need your assistance in meeting these needs. By doing so we are making a difference for the future of the Lower Shore.
During this season of giving, individuals of all races, genders and economic classes are committing to donating to one of the more than 770 community foundations located across this nation, because they seek to enhance their community and the lives of the people living there. Because of their generosity, stronger hometowns where families want to establish roots are being created, recreational parks are being built in greater numbers, social service programs are being offered at a higher quality and promising local students are receiving more scholarship opportunities. You have the power to make those changes right here in our area.
This holiday season, we encourage you to think about the issues you support and the philanthropic gifts you may like to make, and, when you’re ready, contact us to find out how we can help. You can learn more about the Community Foundation at www.cfes.org or by calling us at 410-742-9911.
The Thanksgiving turkey and sweet potato pie may be gone, but the gift you choose to give through a fund at the Community Foundation can last forever. Keep in mind how important it is that we all give back to our communities. Whether it’s starting your philanthropic fund at the Community Foundation or writing a check to your favorite charity – please consider giving.
Spicer Bell
(The writer is the president of the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.)