Maryland legislators will likely leave Annapolis with a
strange feeling next month. It should be one of uncertainty over what lies
ahead next year. They will have the rest of 2006 to wonder how the state will
tackle a huge structural deficit that will most likely lead to higher taxes for
Marylanders and slot machines at a handful of locations.
Despite the unfinished work on that critical financial
business, legislators can head home with their heads held high for at least one
reason – they have provided further protection for kids from sex offenders.
Certainly, there are measures individual legislators are proud of, but there
are not many bills introduced and approved each year that will actually save
There are lots of versions of bills known best as
“Jessica’s Law” after the young Florida girl who was kidnapped, sexually
assaulted and murdered by a convicted child sex offender, but Maryland is
leading the charge here in a national movement. Bills in the House and Senate
have sailed through, and Governor Martin O’Malley is on board as well. They
call for prohibiting parole for individuals convicted of sexual offenses
against children. This comes after a series of bills passed last summer
established minimum mandatory sentences of 25 years for the sickest offenders,
a bolstered tracking system for offenders and more community notification.
What happens routinely in Maryland and other states is a
sex offense case is tried before a judge or jury, the defendant is sentenced
and is then punished with a certain amount of prison time. The sentence grabs
headlines, but the actual time serves is always less than what was initially
ordered by a judge or jury. For any number of reasons, a prisoner can be
granted parole. There are many limitations and conditions placed on parole, but
the fact is once these so-called rehabilitated criminals walk out of jail they
are able to go about daily life. In many cases, that means back to the deviant
kind of life that put them in jail in the first place. It may start with child
porn on the Internet but quickly balloons into something far more dangerous,
and in many cases, devastates victims and their families.
The Maryland legislature is also poised to pass a bill
classifying sexual abuse against a child as a crime of violence, resulting in
more serious penalties. It’s actually startling that’s not the case already. In
addition, the legislature would be wise to reverse a disturbing clause in
Maryland law. Currently, if a man rapes a woman and a child is conceived as a
result, he has all the normal parental rights. That desperately needs to be
changed. It’s a disgrace that’s on the books in Maryland.
Although there remains room for improvements, Maryland has
come a long way in establishing its position on sex offenders, particularly
those that are repeat criminals. The apparent success of “Jessica’s Law” may
not be as groundbreaking as “Megan’s Law” but it represents the nation’s rage
against tolerance for these sex offenders.
“Megan’s Law,” named after a New Jersey girl who was
killed by a twice-convicted sex offender, mandates notification of schools, day
care centers and parents about certain convicted sex offender residing in the
area. It essentially created a sex offender registry that allows residents in
any part of the country to enter their town or zip code and learn about the
number of sex offenders living nearby. Maryland’s website can be found at
is no greater crime than those committed against innocent children. By passing
a strong Jessica’s Law and stiffening other measures dealing with the same
subject, the state can send a message it’s at the forefront of this fight to
hold these sick criminals accountable for their actions and ensure they serve
every day of their respective sentences.